How Does a Catholic Curriculum Emphasize Virtuous Living?

Practicing Catholic virtues in your day-to-day living is not easily done without a foundational knowledge of what virtuous living means. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, over 1.8 million students were enrolled in Catholic private schools in 2023. Keep reading to learn more about how a well-rounded academic program gives prominence to understanding and implementing Catholic virtues.

Practice Virtues

The curricula emphasize the value of gaining deep knowledge of the Bible and the practice of virtues. Young learners at a Catholic institution are taught to focus every day on practical and thoughtful ways to practice kindness, patience, and faith. A well-rounded curriculum incorporates these virtues in many subject areas, such as writing composition, Latin instruction, mathematics, science, art, and even physical education. Students must be encouraged to practice virtues that are taught by the Bible rather than simply learn about them. An academic structure that is focused on theology naturally incorporates virtuous living habits in day-to-day instruction.

Encourage Devoted Learning

An emphasis on the desire to learn is another key way that virtuous practices are implemented in Catholic private schools. A focus on the learning of values and principles goes a long way in encouraging children to develop these skills throughout their lives. The sacramental life of students at Regina Pacis Academy includes daily and weekly Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, weekly praying of the Most Holy Rosary, and reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This in-depth approach to virtuous living benefits children long after they first apply Catholic virtues to their academic lives.

Enhance Skills Related to Meaningful Expression

A Catholic curriculum encourages children to have a deep understanding and appreciation of literature and language arts. The composition and mechanics of writing, reading, spelling, poetry, and public speaking allow students to express their unique perspectives and display their ever-growing knowledge of Catholic virtues. Young learners are also enriched by reading literature essential to a private education. This focus on growth in written expression and spoken word helps form a well-rounded individual.

A comprehensive curriculum that seamlessly integrates virtuous teachings is essential to the growth of every student in a private Catholic institution. If you're looking to enroll your child in an exceptional academic program, reach out to Regina Pacis Academy. We look forward to providing you with more information about our campus, curriculum, and excellent educators.